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Minneapolis, MN, 55446
United States

(952) 688-1357

Eat. Shop. Discover. Fresh. Get seasonal recipes, and discover local farms and restaurants using local, seasonal products. Always Haute and Fresh with Haute Farms.

Haute Farms is an online directory and food brokering firm highlighting seasonal ingredients and connecting local food systems.

Cookbooks for a Cause

Haute Farms recipes are seasonal and delicious. Haute Farms highlights each seasons produce and makes it easy for you to get the most out of seasonal produce.

Eat. Shop. Discover. Fresh. Get seasonal recipes, and discover local farms and restaurants using local, seasonal products. Always Haute and Fresh with Haute Farms.

Haute Farms is an online directory and food brokering firm highlighting seasonal ingredients and connecting local food systems.

Cookbooks for a Cause

We all want to enjoy delicious meals but what if you could also support the food system with your recipes? Our 3 book series Cookbooks for a Cause doesn't just take you on a food adventure, it also raises money for farmer education and local food system support. Let's eat and grow a better future together!

Haute and Fresh

Here at Haute Farms we believe in laid-back luxury and this cookbook is chalk full of recipes that will turn your kitchen into a gourmet destination for your friends and family. This edition will wow your taste buds and transform your every day life into a decadent delight.

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Haute and Fast

Haute and Fast recipes that are 30 minutes or less. Easy to follow and get you eating quick. Don’t have time to make something scrumptious? No worries, now you do. Our tested recipes are sure to satisfy any craving and have you coming back for more.

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Holidays and Feasts

Turn your holidays and celebrations into something truly spectacular with these tried and true recipes. These recipes were painstakingly created to ensure your parties and celebrations will delight everyone and create food traditions for your guests no matter the occasion.